دکتر محمد شعبانی راد


تاریکیِ درونت را انکار نکن! إِنَّكَ إِذاً لَمِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ!

Do not deny the darkness inside you!Think of an emergency exit from this deadly darkness! «ظلم» یکی از هزار واژه مترادف «حسادت» است.«سندروم حسادت را هزار واژه معنا می کنند!»+…

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با نور، عالی باش! بهترینِ خودت باش! كَلِمَةُ اللَّهِ هِيَ الْعُلْيا!

Be the best!Do the best you can!Be excellent at doing your duties!... but how?As soon as you can understand the light of your heart and execute it, it means that…

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سیاست نورانی!

Enlightened politics!When the luminous mechanism of your heart is activated, you will have access to the luminous and intelligent policies of your guardian angel! https://drmohammadshabanirad.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/stock-footage-bulb-yellow-with-hologram-businessman-concept.webmسیاست نورانی!«سوس» یکی از هزار واژه…

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همیشه گوش‌به‌زنگ باش! آماده‌باشِ نورانی!

Stay vigilant!Always be on the alert!What matters is current motivation and ability.But how? How is this readiness and condition of standby and vigilance obtained? همیشه گوش‌به‌زنگ باش!مهم اینه که انگیزه…

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واکسن نورانی!

Luminous vaccine!Don't you want to vaccinate your heart against the darkness of jealousy?So be satisfied with your destiny! «لقح» یکی از هزار واژه مترادف «نور» است.در فرهنگ لغات عربی می‌نویسند:«التَّلْقِيح‏:…

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اشتباه، حتمیه! فقط زود جلوشو بگیر! محاسبه‌ی نفس!

Making mistakes is an integral part of our existence!Mistakes cannot be prevented!We need to know something because of it, as soon as we make a mistake, we realize it and…

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مانکن با عرضه! فرهنگ نورانیتو نشون بده! وَ عَلَّمَ آدَمَ الْأَسْماءَ كُلَّها ثُمَّ عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى الْمَلائِكَة!

In a healthy culture, people, like a mannequin who exposes beautiful clothes to everyone, by acting their correct thought and culture, exposes its beauty to others so that they will…

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گفتگوی محرمانه! اعمال نورانی! يُسْقَوْنَ مِنْ رَحيقٍ مَخْتُومٍ!

A private conversation!The luminous language of the emotions of the world within our hearts is in fact a private conversation between us and our God.outer world examples- inner world feeling...…

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فریب‌خوردگان تاریکی!

One who understands the luminous language of the feelings of the world within his heart will never be deceived.He has never lost touch with the light source and therefore will…

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لارج باش! ولخرجی کن! دست‌و‌دل‌باز باش! انفاق نورانی! وَ مِمَّا رَزَقْناهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ!

Be big! Spend it! Be generous! Enlighten charity! Exaggerate your generosity! Do not be stingy!نور، سخاوتمندت میکنه! «نفق» در معنای ممدوح، یکی از هزار واژۀ مترادف «نور»،و در معنای مذموم،…

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