مجاز یا ممنوع؟ حلال یا حرام؟!
What is allowed? What is forbidden?Guardian Angel permission!At first, the guardian angel shines in your heart and permits you to an exemplary implementation! In fact, our thirsty hearts must be…
بیشتر بخوانیدنور مُوَلِّد! ژنراتور نورانی! وَ تَرَى الْمَلائِكَةَ حَافِّينَ مِنْ حَوْلِ الْعَرْشِ!
The role of the guardian angel with his good ideas is like a generator for us to do a good implementation.The guardian angel inclines our hearts to goodness.A heart accustomed…
بیشتر بخوانیدبه سمت نور! به سمت خوبیها! وَ إِنْ جَنَحُوا لِلسَّلْمِ فَاجْنَحْ لَها!
The guardian angel inclines our hearts to goodness.A heart accustomed to its angel.The language of light is the language of your guardian angel, and you have to get accustomed to…
بیشتر بخوانیدنور خطشکن!
The role of the guardian angel is like a "doormat welcome" for us, in the Farsi language: "پادری".The role of the guardian angel is like an Icebreaker ship on the…
بیشتر بخوانیدنور درمانگر! إِنَّهُ كانَ بِي حَفِيًّا!
The role of the guardian angel is like a surgeon debrided the necrotic tissue. The word "حفی" teaches us this concept.outer world examples- inner world feeling... And verses from the…
بیشتر بخوانیدنگاه همزمان، به آسمان و زمین! فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرامِ!
When you are accustomed to the luminous language of your guardian angel, you can now speak another language in another world. The guardian angel translates enlightened words into a language…
بیشتر بخوانیدنور، وصول شد! شعائر الله!
O, my guardian angel! Your spiritual message was received.The luminous word of your guardian angel is like a spiritual message that when you are accustomed to it, you will receive…
بیشتر بخوانیدهمرنگ نور! همزبان نور!
Common language with the guardian angel, matching the color of light!When your heart is accustomed to the light language of your guardian angel, you will become the owner of a…
بیشتر بخوانیدبه نورت، لبّیک بگو! نورِ خِرَد! لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ!
Tell your guardian angel "لبّیک"!You mean: I listen to you and obey you.outer world examples- inner world feeling... And verses from the Holy Quran#emotionallanguage #jealousy #GuardianAngel #accustomed #generator #interpreter #SpiritualMessage…
بیشتر بخوانیدچه نور زیبایی! الله اکبر!!!
"Allahu Akbar"!When you hear with your heart the luminous words of your guardian angel and your heart is enlightened to the light of the peace of this word, this is…
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