بدنبال نور علم! بدنبال معلّم نورانی!
Looking for science - Looking for the teacher !!!Looking for the teacher - Looking for science !!!What do you expect from your guardian angel?Informing about things we do not know.…
بیشتر بخوانیددالان مهاجرت از مُلک به ملکوت! وَ قَطَّعْناهُمُ اثْنَتَيْ عَشْرَةَ أَسْباطاً أُمَماً!
Migrate from the "مُلک" to the "مَلکوت" through a corridor called the Guardian Angel. Like crossing a corridor or a tunnel or a canal.From the word "سبط", the concept of…
بیشتر بخوانیدآدرس مکانی برای بیتوته را از فرشته نگهبانت بپرس! وَ الْبَيْتِ الْمَعْمُورِ! بیت الله!
The guardian angel guides us to the resting place of the night.like birds roosting at sunset on trees.From the word "بیت", this meaning "بیتوته" is inferred.outer world examples- inner world…
بیشتر بخوانیداتصال دو جهان: “مُلک” و “مَلکوت”! سُبْحَانَ ذِی الْمُلْک وَ الْمَلَکوتِ!
Connection of two worlds: "مُلک" and "مَلکوت"!When and where is the time and place of connection between these two worlds ?! Who plays the role of connecting these two worlds…
بیشتر بخوانیدراز بقا در جهان ملکوت: توبه؛ یعنی “بازگشت” از تاریکی به نور!
The secret of survival in the "ملکوت" world is to understand the meaning of the word "توبه".Repentance means "returning" from darkness to light!So only a healthy heart that knows the…
بیشتر بخوانیدچه کسی نور علم را به یاد من میآورد؟! ذکر الله! یک لحظۀ به یاد ماندنی! اذْكُرُوا نِعْمَتِيَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ!
What is the role of the guardian angel in our daily lives?The guardian angel recalls the learned scientific memories in a timely manner. His role is that of a memory…
بیشتر بخوانیداتصال به نور، اتصال به علم! صله رحم! وَ لَقَدْ وَصَّلْنا لَهُمُ الْقَوْلَ!
Connect to light, connect to science!The sound heart connected to the light of the guardian angel is connected to the source of knowledge and divine light, and to the extent…
بیشتر بخوانیدنور پادزهر تاریکی!
The light is the antidote to darkness.Jealousy is the root of all mental and physical illnesses.Light is the antidote for jealousy.The word of God is Light.Let's drink the antidote to…
بیشتر بخوانیدتسویل و تزیین شیطان یعنی چه؟! تلاش تاریکی برای غلبه بر نور! بَلْ سَوَّلَتْ لَكُمْ أَنْفُسُكُمْ أَمْراً! الشَّيْطانُ سَوَّلَ لَهُمْ!
How does the devil deceive?Satan decorates the detour in order to make it seem like the right path. The concept of adornment of worthless goods to deceive others is inferred…
بیشتر بخوانیدفقط مجاز به انتخاب یک دعوتنامه هستید! داعی الله!
Warning!!! You are only allowed to choose one invitation!Who is the inviter? What is your choice?We choose a path that is consistent with our logic. But are we skilled in…
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