دکتر محمد شعبانی راد


دنیا و آخرت! “مُلک” و “مَلکوت”!

The world and the hereafter! "مُلک" and "مَلکوت"!What is the missing link between this world and the hereafter and who is it? "حسنة" is the name of this missing link…

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اتصال دو جهان: “مُلک” و “مَلکوت”! سُبْحَانَ ذِی الْمُلْک وَ الْمَلَکوتِ!

Connection of two worlds: "مُلک" and "مَلکوت"!When and where is the time and place of connection between these two worlds ?! Who plays the role of connecting these two worlds…

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