قلب معطّر به کلام نورانی فرشته نگهبان! قلب خوشاخلاق!
How to become good-natured?! Good morals are the result of the influence of the guardian angel light on your heart, which makes it fragrant with the words of the Creator…
بیشتر بخوانیدامنیت روانی – قلب سلیم!
Safety first! First, have a healthy heart! Now live safely! Safety means understanding your mistakes! Safety means having a healthy tool to understand your mistakes! The light of the guardian…
بیشتر بخوانیدتوکّل، یک فضیلت مهم اما مورد غفلت!
Adam Grant :«An important but neglected virtue is intellectual credibility: being a reliable source of knowledge.-Transparency: being able to explain your reasoning and cite your sources-Benevolence: aiming to help people…
بیشتر بخوانیدبهترین خودت باش!
Be the best!Do the best you can!Be excellent at doing your duties!... but how?As soon as you can understand the light of your heart and execute it, it means that…
بیشتر بخوانیدشاخ و برگ این درخت نورانی باش! شعبهای از نور باش! انشعاب نورانی! وَ جَعَلْناكُمْ شُعُوباً!
Luminous branch!Be a leaf of this luminous tree!When you understand the luminous language of the emotions in your heart, you have in fact obtained a precious franchise from an essential…
بیشتر بخوانیدزبان نورانی محسوس درون قلب، همان زبان نورانی فرشته نگهبان است!
One who understands the luminous language of the feelings of the world within his heart will never be deceived.He has never lost touch with the light source and therefore will…
بیشتر بخوانیدترویج فرهنگ سالم و مانکن باعرضه!
In a healthy culture, people, like a mannequin who exposes beautiful clothes to everyone, by acting their correct thought and culture, exposes its beauty to others so that they will…
بیشتر بخوانیدقلب حرفهای، مانند یک راننده حرفهای عمل میکند!
Professional heart!Be like a professional driver who pays close attention to the signs.A heart that understands its dark mode and light mode, in the dark mode, deals with this issue…
بیشتر بخوانیدفرصتهای یادگیری و تکامل
Learning and evolvement opportunitiesA jealous person misses learning and evolvement opportunities one after the other, and this wrong method of dissatisfaction with destiny is doomed to failureThe heart that understands…
بیشتر بخوانیددرک زبانِ نورانیِ سایهها، و مثال جابجایی سایه در ساعت آفتابی! يَتَفَيَّؤُا ظِلالُهُ!
One who understands the luminous language of the emotions of the world of his heart, like relocating the shadow in the sundial that determines the time, becomes aware of his…
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